The more you know about the University of Utah and the transfer process, the easier your transition will be. Use these resources to help you before, during, and after you transfer.

The Transfer Process
Transfer to the U in 3 easy steps.
- Get admitted
- Get started
- Get registered

Transfer your Credits
You worked hard in your transfer classes. Be sure the credits are being used to fill as many U requirements as possible!

When should I Transfer?
How do you know the best time to transfer to the U? Should you finish your Associate's Degree or transfer earlier?

SLCC Students
Each year the U of U welcomes hundreds of transfer students from Utah community colleges. Check out this information just for SLCC students.
The Resume Round Up
Stop by the Fall 2023 Major Expo on September 20th!
Come to the Major Expo on Wednesday, September 20 from 10am to 2pm in the Union main Ballroom. Transfer Student Success will be there along with staff from every major, minor, and certificate program on campus. This is a great opportunity if you are deciding on or comparing majors. Incoming/prospective transfer students are welcome to attend
You are invited to the 2023 New Transfer Student Welcome!
You are invited to our New Transfer Student Welcome on Tuesday, August 29th from 11am to 1pm on the Sill Center Patio. The Sill Center is across the pay lot from the Union Building. Learn about resources and opportunities for transfer students, meet other new transfer students, and enjoy free tacos from a taco truck!
U Life Mentors looking for Transfer Student Mentors
U Life Mentors are looking for transfer student mentors. This is a paid opportunity! Do you want to help new students adjust to campus and make the most out of their U of U experience? Apply for the U Life Mentor position via Handshake by February 23, 2023. More information on the website.
Spring 2023 Major Expo - February 15th 10am to 2pm in the Union Ballroom
The Major Expo is an event that showcases the programs and resources available to current and prospective students. It is a great opportunity to meet and connect with academic advisors and reps from across campus to learn more about EVERY major, minor, and certificate! There will also be reps from various offices and organizations across campus to share details about engagement opportunities and campus resources. Whether you are completely undecided or are fully declared (come explore minor and certificate opportunities), this event is great for everyone!