GPA Calculator
Letter Grade | Grade Points |
A | 4.0 |
A- | 3.7 |
B+ | 3.3 |
B | 3.0 |
B- | 2.7 |
C+ | 2.3 |
C | 2.0 |
C- | 1.7 |
D+ | 1.3 |
D | 1.0 |
D- | 0.7 |
E | 0.0 |
To calculate your GPA, you need to supply two pieces of information found in your Academic Summary in CIS: units taken toward GPA (attempted/graded credit hours at the University of Utah) and GPA (cumulative GPA from the University of Utah).
Learn how to find your Academic Summary
Term GPA Calculator
To determine your projected GPA for the current term:
- Enter the GPA units for each course you are currently taking.
- Select your expected grades for each course and press Calculate.
The Projected Term GPA will be displayed based on the input provided.
Cumulative GPA Calculator
To determine your projected cumulative GPA:
- Enter your Cumulative GPA and Total GPA Units in the boxes below.
- Enter the GPA units for each course you are currently taking.
- If the course is approved to be used as a repeat, click the checkbox and select the previous grade received.
- Select your expected grades for each course and press Calculate.
The Projected Term GPA and Projected Cumulative GPA will be displayed based on the input provided.
This tool was designed to assist students with their GPA calculation and is not tied to the official academic record. The results are based solely on the data you provide and are not official. We encourage you to calculate your GPA by the calculator and manually to ensure you are accurate in your calculation.
Learn how to calculate your GPA manually
To find your GPA information in CIS
- Log into the CIS Menu at, click on the “Academic Records” tile.
- Then click “View Grades”.
Please click on the recently completed term and then click on the “Cumulative GPA” row. You will need to take note of the “Total Units Taken” and the “GPA”.
Goal GPA Calculator
To calculate a goal GPA:
- If you are repeating any courses for this term, then you must fill out the calculator above to find the Projected Cumulative GPA for those repeated courses. Check the Repeat box below and skip to step 5.
- If you are not repeating any courses for this term, enter your Cumulative GPA.
- Enter your Total GPA Units, without including the current term.
- Enter the amount of GPA units taken this term.
- Enter the goal GPA that you would like to achieve.
- Hit the Calculate button. The Projected GPA required to meet your goal will be displayed.
Repeating Courses Policy: Students may repeat any course they have previously taken at the University as long
as it is still offered. However, students may earn credit hours for a given course
for graduation only once unless the course has been designated as repeatable for credit.
The last grade received is used to compute the student's grade point average (and
grades from previous instances of the same course are not considered in computing
the GPA, but are shown on the record for the term the course was taken). The grades
of I, NC, W, V, or T may neither be removed by repeating the course, nor may they
be used to replace a grade in a previous course that has been repeated. All repeated
courses are identified as such on the student's academic record. (Policy 6-100 - Instruction and Evaluation)
This tool was modeled after the University of Southern Maine's GPA calculator.
To find your GPA information in CIS
- Log into CIS, and look for the 'Grades' box.
- Click "View your Academic Summary" and find your 'GPA Units' and 'GPA.'