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Suspension Options

Looking to explore your options after suspension? Read on for guidance on preparing to return to the University of Utah.

Academic Suspension Definition

A student whose term GPA has been below 2.0 for any three terms while the cumulative GPA has been continuously below 2.0 is subject to suspension. The suspension period is a minimum of three semesters, after which the student may appeal to return to the University.

During the academic suspension period, a registration hold will be placed on the student's record and will prevent the student from registering for courses at the University. If the student is registered for the semester following their suspension, their courses will be dropped.

If after completing the suspension period the student wishes to return to the University of Utah, the student must meet with an Academic Advising Center advisor to begin the Suspension Appeal process. 

Returning From Suspension: Determine Your Path

 If you have experienced an extenuating circumstance or have had a grade change since your suspension standing was placed, you may qualify for a suspension reversal.

  Most students who seek to return will go through the suspension appeal process, as students are only eligible for suspension reversal under certain conditions.

Suspension Reversal Through Retroactive Withdrawal or Grade Change

Retroactive Withdrawal

If your academic success has been impacted by a non-academic emergency or significant extenuating circumstances beyond your control, you may be a candidate for a Retroactive Withdrawal petition, which can reverse a Suspension standing in certain cases.

Through the Retroactive Withdrawal process, eligible students can petition to have certain failing or low grades changed to withdrawals (W grades) on their official academic record. This can impact a student's cumulative and term GPA(s) since the W grade is neutral in the GPA calculation.

The Retroactive Withdrawal petition requires:

  1.  A Personal Statement
  2. A Letter of Support from the Dean's Designee of the student's college
  3. Supporting Documentation

Grade Change 

If you anticipate any grade changes that could impact your academic standing (causing cumulative and/or term GPA to increase to at least a 2.0), notify the Academic Standards team as soon as possible by emailing us at

Grade Change Process Details

Per University Policy 6-100, if a change of a final grade is requested (ex. changing a D to an A, or an EU to a T) then the request must first be approved by the chair of their department and the email sent directly from the department chair. For that to occur, the faculty/staff emails their department chair with the information in the final grade change table available here filled out for each student in separate emails via UMail. The department chair must then verify that they approve the change/request. They can then forward that to the inbox noting clearly their approval in the email they send. 


Suspension Appeal 

Unless a student is eligible to reverse their suspension, they must take the following steps to return to the University of Utah:

  1. First: Address and resolve reasons for academic difficulty.
  2. Second: Complete a Suspension Appeal with your Academic Advising Center advisor.
  3. Third: Be readmitted through the University of Utah Office of Admissions. (After appeal is approved.)

Suspension Appeal Timeline

Timeliness is highly important in putting together a strong suspension appeal packet and ensuring best availability of courses. We are not able to accept suspension appeals submitted past the applicable deadline.


Compiling a Suspension Appeal 

  1. Appeal with Academic Advising Center (AAC):
    1.  Meet with an AAC advisor to begin process (must be done by associated deadline)
    2.  Fill out appeal paperwork and assessments
    3. Meet with Department/Major advisor
    4. Write Personal Statement
    5. Gather supporting documentation
    6. Meet with AAC advisor to review and submit appeal paperwork (must be done by deadline)
  2. Suspension Appeal Committee meets to review petition
  3. Decision sent via email
    1. If approved, must meet with AAC advisor to review committee recommendations
      1. Must also reapply to the University through Admissions
    2. If denied, meet with AAC advisor to discuss committee’s reasons and suggestions for a future appeal attempt

  1. Problems affecting academic success have been resolved
    1. Further demonstrated through supporting documentation, if applicable
  2. Documentation of activities during suspension that show ability to be successful upon return
  3. Well thought-out and realistic academic plan (including how work/school balance will function & time management addressed)
  4. Realistic major choice and alternate major plan if selecting a closed major
  5. Current transfer GPA meets readmission requirement set by University:
    1. Cumulative transfer GPA since suspension must be at least 2.6 and most recent term should be above a 2.6 as well
  6. Appeal packet and paperwork fully complete
  7. Personal statement reflects guidelines within appeal packet



Options During Your Suspension Period 

For guidance on how to make the most of your suspension period and proactively prepare for the appeal process, meet with an Academic Standards advisor at any point.

Meet the academic standards team 

Last Updated: 3/21/24