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Prior Learning Credit


Cristina Reyan


Students enter college with various levels of knowledge, lived and learning experiences, and prior earned credits through traditional and non-traditional pathways. We are dedicated to supporting you in understanding the process and your options to receiving credit for your prior learning.

As you review the information below, if you have questions, please contact our Credit for Prior Learning Liason for individualized guidance!

Cristina Reyna 

Advanced Placement (AP) Credit

If you have taken Advanced Placement (AP) exams and have had them sent to the University of Utah, they will be sent to the Office of Admissions automatically.

Please run your Degree Audit report to ensure your credit has been posted.

NOTE: Exam equivalencies are subject to change without notice.

More AP Credit Info


Concurrent Enrollment

Students who have taken college level classes while in high school or before attending the University of Utah must make arrangements for official college or university transcripts to be sent to the Office of Admissions.


International Baccalaureate (IB) Credit

If you have taken International Baccalaureate (IB) credits and have had them sent to the University of Utah, they will be sent to the Office of Admissions. To have your credits posted, you will need to fill out an evaluation form.  Please run your Degree Audit report to ensure your credit has been posted.

More IB Credit Info

Transfer Credit

You worked hard in your transfer classes. Be sure the credits are being used to fill as many U of U requirements as possible!


Language Proficiency Credit

The University of Utah's Department of World Languages & Cultures (WLC) considers a student's prior language experience when placing them in language courses. World Languages & Cultures offers virtual language placement testing for students who would like to be placed into the appropriate language class for future semesters or who would like to purchase lower-division language credits. 

For more information, contact the Department of World Languages and Cultures at


Joint Service Transcript (JST) Credit

The U of U accepts credit for some kinds of military training as listed on a Joint Services Transcript (JST). As JST credit is considered voluntary, students must send an official copy of your transcript and meet with an academic advisor to discuss potential credit and determine if and when they might post their credits.

  1. 1. Send your JST to the Admissions Office.
  2. 2. It will be evaluated and a JST Worksheet will be created showing possible transferrable credits and any credits that may fulfill general education or baccalaureate degree requirements. An email will be sent to you once your JST Worksheet has been created. This email will include the JST Worksheet attached.
  3. 3. Review the attached JST worksheet to see your potential credits. Your JST will have been already been evaluated for General Education and Baccalaureate Degree requirements. Your JST has not yet been evaluated for potential major degree requirements.
  4. 4. Make an appointment with an advisor in your major. They will discuss how accepting this credit might affect your major requirements.
  5. 5. Schedule an appointment with an advisor at this link: SCHEDULE HERE . This advisor will help you understand the pros and cons of posting credits, see if any credits can fill general requirements, and determine a timeline for posting.
  6. 6. To post credits you and all your advisors will sign your JST Worksheet.
  7. 7. Return the signed Worksheet to the Office of Admissions in the Student Services Building Rm 250S.


Portfolio-Based Assessment

Students may request credit by Portfolio-Based Assessment by demonstrating sufficient knowledge of the course material gained through experience. To demonstrate this knowledge students should be prepared to provide evidence of college-level learning for the learning outcomes of the course they are requesting credit for.

More  Info

Challenge a Course for Credit

Students may challenge a University course by taking the final examination in order to demonstrate sufficient knowledge of the course material without attending the class or completing the coursework.

For more information, contact the Office of Admissions at 801-581-7281 or

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College Level Examination Program (CLEP) Credit

The College Level Examination Program allows individuals to test out of introductory college level courses. CLEP offers 34 exams in over 2,000 testing centers nationwide, including the University of Utah’s Testing Center. Testing Information and registration forms are available at the University Testing Center, 450 Student Services Building.

More Info

A and AS Level Exam Credit

Students who are enrolled at the University of Utah and have attained grades ranging from A-E on Advanced Subsidiary (AS) or Advanced (A) level examinations may be eligible to receive transfer credits.

More  Info

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Last Updated: 2/24/25