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Milestone Advising Program (MAP)

First Year Milestone Advising

First-year students at the U are required to connect with academic advising units during their first semester before they register for classes the following term. Interacting with academic advisors early in your university career leads to college success and completion of a degree. Get started by following the steps below! 

Check your email to see when you need to meet with an advisor to receive early registration access next semester for 1000- and 2000-level courses!

Step 1: Find your advising department

Find your advising department and see how they want you to complete first-year advising here: 

  • Declared, Pre-Major, or Intended Major: Meet that department or college (e.g., Computer Science students meet with the College of Engineering).
  • Undeclared/Exploring? Meet with the Navigate Hub for Exploring Students.
  • Honors students have two advising holds (Major and Honors). You do not need to schedule an appointment with your Honors Advisor. Honors Advisors will visit your HONOR 1010 class to discuss your path to complete an Honors degree and then they will remove your Honors advising hold.

Step 2: Complete your first-year advising requirement

Complete your first-year advising requirement by the date indicated in your email.

  • If you do, you will qualify for priority registration just days after registration opens; that means you can register early for 1000- and 2000-level courses for next semester and the majority of classes would be available to you for registration because of your priority access!  
  • Priority registration continues until your assigned registration date. 


Use the below “how-to” guides and resources to review remaining graduation requirements and plan your class schedule.

Run a Degree Audit

Degree Audit Website

Understand your Degree Audit
Graduation Requirements
Use the Class Schedule

Class Schedules

Register for Classes
Schedule Builder
Identify Class Modalities

Taking a Leave of Absence

If you are planning to take a leave of absence, you need to meet with an advisor before you leave to prevent complications upon your return.  

Learn more by clicking the button below and talking to your advisor.


Posting AP, IB, and/or Concurrent Enrollment Credits

Admitted students must submit final high school and/or college transcripts to the Office of Admissions as soon as they are available.

  • AP Courses: students must send official scores from the College Board
  • IB Courses: students must send official scores from the IB Program, and fill out an evaluation form to have the scores posted to their record
  • Concurrent enrollment: students must send official transcript from the college where credit was earned

More Post Credit Information

Major Exploration

Ways to Explore Majors as a First-Year Student

  • Take an introductory course in a major that interests you
  • Explore majors/minors available at the U


  • Get involved in a student club or organization



  • Begin mapping out possibilities with each major


  • Meet with a career coach to learn more about potential career possibilities for each major


Schedule an Advising Appointment


Last Updated: 3/24/25