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The Resume Round Up Listing

Hours with Experts at Lassonde

hours with experts

Hours with Experts allows students to get advice from professionals in many fields. Students can meet with lawyers, designers, accountants, manufacturing experts, marketers and more.

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Lassonde Make It Activity: CAD Crash Course

lassonde make program

If you've ever wanted to design your own 3D printed parts but didn't know where to start, then this Lassonde Entrepreneurship Institute workshop is for you.

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Lassonde Workshop Series: Fundraising

lassonde workshops

The Lassonde Entrepreneurship Program’s Workshop series offers a variety of topics, including coding, video production, public speaking, intellectual property, and much more.

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"Get Started with a Business" Idea Session

Lassonde Institute

Join The Lassonde Entrepreneur Institute staff for a session to identify next steps to move your business idea forward. The Lassonde staff will facilitate a round-table discussion to answer questions, point you to Lassonde resources, and help you create an action plan for your idea.

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Blog Archive

Last Updated: 8/21/23