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Career Conference - October 19th

career conference

You know you need to get a job once you’re done with college – but maybe you don’t know how to even start. Come to the Career Conference presented by the Career and Professional Development Center to get helpful information on topics ranging from searching for jobs to negotiating salaries.

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Resume Review Days for STEM Students 9/17, 9/21, 9/24

CPDC jobs and events

Bring your resume to the Catmull Gallery (WEB) for a free review by a trained member of the Career and Professional Development Center team just in time for the Career Fair!

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STEM Career and Internship Fair - September 25th


You’ve worked hard to earn your degree in one of the STEM fields – make sure that hard work doesn’t go to waste by attending the STEM Career and Internship Fair.

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Blog Archive

Last Updated: 12/4/23