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Meet and Eat with BioFire - November 6th

meet and eat

If you are interested in working for a company that is behind the scenes in the medical field, do not miss this installment of the Career and Professional Development Center’s Meet and Eat series.

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Transfer Workshop Series: Appetizers with Advocates - October 30th

transfer workshop series

The Office of Orientation and Transition offers a series of workshops designed specifically for transfer students new to the U of U. The workshops offer students the opportunity to learn about a variety of University services, resources and activities and a chance to connect with other students.

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Get Connected with ASUU's Organization Database

U Leadership and Involvement

Did you miss the chance to connect with clubs and organizations during the first week of school? Maybe you’re halfway through the semester and ready to make new friends, or get involved in a leadership role.

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Entrepreneurship 5800 - Open To Students from All Majors Spring 2019

entrpreneurship 5800

If you’re brimming with ideas for addressing poverty through entrepreneurial avenues, or want to apply your knowledge to helping others in a global sphere, this course could be a once-in-a-lifetime chance to put those ideas in action and gain real world experience.

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Blog Archive

Last Updated: 12/4/23