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Meet and Eat with Panda Express - March 19th

meet and eat

Panda Express is more than Chinese food. Come to the latest installment of the Career and Professional Development Center’s Meet and Eat series to find out more about the company and the great work they do.

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Apply to be a Crimson Mentor: Deadline March 18th

crimson mentors

Being a transfer student at the University of Utah presents an entirely different set of circumstances and challenges than those that freshman students face. Pass on the knowledge and experience you’ve gained to incoming cohorts by becoming a Crimson Mentor.

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Major Open House - Mini Major Expo - March 5th

mini major expo

This is a wonderful opportunity for students who may have missed our big expo in the fall, or who have since decided to change their major. Connect with a huge variety of major advisors who can help make your goals a reality – all without an appointment.

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Blog Archive

Last Updated: 12/4/23