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Woke in the Workplace: Panel and Social - March 26th

woke in the workplace

“Come hear from diverse local professionals regarding their experience navigating the workforce as a person of color, feeling tokenized, approaching different power dynamics, finding a network, and more in our panel and social for emerging professionals like yourself.”

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Meet and Eat with the CIA - March 20th

meet and eat

If you’re looking for a way to serve your country and want a career with a global reach that provides something new every day, consider coming to the CIA Meet and Eat to learn more about opportunities for employment in the nation’s intelligence hub.

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Meet and Eat with Panda Express - March 19th

meet and eat

Panda Express is more than Chinese food. Come to the latest installment of the Career and Professional Development Center’s Meet and Eat series to find out more about the company and the great work they do.

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Blog Archive

Last Updated: 12/4/23