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Multi-potentiality in a World of Specialization

What do you want to be when you grow up?  What if you're not sure you want to do just one thing for the rest of your life?  Students who feel this way often find it hard to choose a major and career. This can lead them to think that their natural curiosity and broad areas of interest are something of a curse. What if the opposite is true and these traits are actually strengths?

This TED Talk by Emily Wapnik explores the strengths of people with “multi-potentialities” in a world of specialists.

Let a major exploration advisor in the Academic Advising Center help you nurture your multi-potentiality at the U of U by exploring the possibility of:

  • Selecting an interdisciplinary major
  • Double majoring
  • Adding a minor or certificate to your academic plan
  • Exploring graduate and professional school possibilities

Book an exploration appointment today!

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Last Updated: 12/4/23