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Get Started with a Business Idea Session-November 3

Lassonde Institute

Join the folks at the Lassonde Entrepreneur Institute for a group session with other students and their staff to identify next steps to move your business idea forward.

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Hinckley Journal of Politics Editorial Board

hinckley journal

The Hinckley Journal of Politics, one of the few undergraduate-run journals of politics in the nation, is currently accepting applications to the editorial board.

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Be a Paid Intern at the Utah State Legislature

utah state capitol

The Utah State Legislative Internship program offers students the opportunity to serve as full-time, paid staff to legislators, lobbyists, and government offices during the 45-day legislative session starting in late January.

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Science Fridays


Interested in transferring to the U of U and majoring in science? Then plan to attend Science Friday on the U of U Campus!

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Blog Archive

Last Updated: 12/4/23