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CPDC Career Studio

career studio

Have a quick career question? The Career Studio in the Career and Professional Development Center (CPDC) offers live chat and drop-in career coaching.

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Find a Career that Fits with UGS 1950, Career Exploration

career exploration

Get expert help exploring careers with Undergraduate Studies (UGS) 1950, Career Exploration. This 1 credit, half semester course is taught online by a professional career coach from the U’s Career and Professional Development Center.

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Find a Career that Fits with UGS 1950

ugs 1950

Take a class this Fall Semester that will help you explore careers. UGS 1950 is a 1-credit, half-semester, online class where you will engage in hands-on career exploration with the help of a Career Coach from the Career and Professional Development Center.

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Careers in Sociology - April 1

careers in sociology

“What am I going to do with a Sociology degree? What job can that get me?”

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Blog Archive

Last Updated: 12/4/23