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Academic Advising Center
Mission and Vision Statements


Academic Advising Center Mission

The Academic Advising Center at the University of Utah promotes a transformative undergraduate experience by advocating for and empowering undergraduate students as they explore, develop, and take responsibility for achieving their academic goals. We provide high-quality advising services to undergraduate students and the campus community through appointments, outreach, presentations, curriculum, and collaboration with campus partners. We serve as the academic home for exploring students—those exploring majors, professional paths, or tools for success. 


Academic Advising Center Vision

Through advising, every student will be empowered with the knowledge and confidence to create a unique undergraduate journey, and ultimately, to value exploration and learning as lifelong rather than contained to a classroom. We aim for every member of AAC to be recognized as a campus leader committed to amplifying student voices, and in turn, for the university campus community to recognize and value the role of advising as critical to ensuring student success. 


Academic Advising Center Values


AAC strives to promote a welcoming and supportive advising environment campus-wide,  and advisors are encouraged to develop their full potential.

Excellence in Advising

AAC will be a leader in coordinating the development and adoptions of advising best practices campus-wide.


All areas of AAC will continuously establish measurable goals related to their support of student success. Further, AAC is committed to appropriate and timely response as needs change.

Professional Growth

All AAC staff members will be encouraged to develop and further grow the professional skills essential to the changing needs of higher education in the 21st century. 


AAC strives to develop and grow partnerships across AAC functional areas, the Office of Undergraduate Studies, and with all campus agencies that support student success.

Last Updated: 7/9/24