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Program Description

Biochemistry is the study of molecular level details that underlie life processes. In addition to biochemistry, students who earn the degree receive a broad based training in all areas of chemistry and apply these to their studies of life.

The Student Experience

The degree is designed to provide an opportunity for the student to tailor a plan of study that best fits their interests and future goals.  The degree provides the best of both worlds – a broad training in chemistry, with all the resources of the Chemistry department, which include the Learning Enhancement Center and general and organic chemistry help rooms, as well as breadth in biological chemistry through both core and elective offerings.  In addition, students can participate in an undergraduate research experience under the guidance of an advisor, join the U’s American Chemical Society Student Chapter, or participate in a study abroad program.

Career Opportunities

As a graduate of the U’s biochemistry program, a number of job opportunities are available to you.  You could become a scientist in private industry, government, or education, pursue professional training in medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, or other health-related fields, or work in areas such as forensics, business, and law.  Careers in higher education, as professors, researchers, and administrators are also possible with additional training.

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Last Updated: 2/27/25