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Program Description

Gerontology at the U is a university-wide interdisciplinary program administered through the College of Nursing and affiliated with the Center on Aging. It is also an Institutional Member of the Association for Gerontology in Higher Education (AGHE). Coursework varies based on the program selected. Both minor and certificate students take core courses on aging and caregiving, then select electives from topics such as service agencies, research, and diversity in aging; certificate students, however, must also complete a gerontology practicum, providing them with hands-on experience and skills in the field. With all courses offered entirely online, the Gerontology Program is the leader for distance education in the field of aging in the Intermountain West. If you want to pursue a rewarding career in healthcare or research, consider studying gerontology.

Academic and Career Opportunities

For degree enrichment, all students are encouraged to join gerontology-related organizations, such as the Gerontological Society of America (GSA) or Sigma Phi Omega (SPO). Graduates of the program can use their gerontology skills in a number of ways. Students can combine the minor or certificate with existing skills or a complementary degree program to become nurses, counselors, or health policy specialists. Students can also complete advanced degrees to become physicians, dentists, gerontologists, psychologists, professors, or healthcare administrators.

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Exploratory Classes

  • GERON 3001 - Experiences of Aging: Challenges & Promise
  • GERON 3220 - Caregiving & Aging Families

Last Updated: 7/9/24