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Program Description

If you have an interest in health but want to enter a career other than health promotion and education, consider the Health Minor. Students in this program learn skills in three areas: public health, positive behavior change, and healthy lifestyles. These health skills can then be applied to situations, questions, or problems in nearly any discipline. The flexible curriculum has just two required courses, healthy lifestyles and community health issues, allowing students to complete the remaining credits by choosing courses from a variety of health-related areas: human sexuality, stress management, first aid, eating disorders, health concerns of women, or aging.

Academic and Career Opportunities

Complement your coursework through other academic projects, such as an internship or independent research project. Students wishing to network and make friends should consider joining a health-related club: the Allied Students for Contraception, the College of Health Student Council, the Refugee Health Interest Group, or the Student Global Health Initiative. When paired with a relevant major, the Health minor offers students careers in public health, advertising, public relations, human resources, education, or social work. Students who wish to continue their education at the graduate level can complete programs in physical therapy, occupational therapy, or athletic training; graduate coursework in other disciplines can also open the door to careers in law, research, or administration.

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