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math teaching

Mathematics Teaching

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Program Description

To teach mathematics well, one must have a real interest in the subject along with a strong grasp of mathematical ideas well beyond the level at which one teaches. In addition, one must have a good understanding of how young people learn and think about mathematics, and what their questions and problems are at different stages of growth. It is our goal to provide you with these skills in our program.

While in the program, students will complete core coursework in mathematics, along with several classes directed at students planning to become secondary school math teachers. In addition to these math courses, students will take education courses and will apply to the Urban Institute for Teacher Education (UITE) Secondary Teacher licensure program during their junior year.

The final year culminates in a full time student teaching experience. Students are placed in a secondary classroom and gain hands on experience under the supervision of a licensed teacher.

The U of U's secondary teacher education program, in partnership with public education, provides the foundation and experience to work with Utah's students in communities from urban to rural, across age and ability levels, and from diverse cultural, linguistic, and socioeconomic backgrounds.

The Student Experience

Students can take advantage of many opportunities to prepare for teaching in a classroom by becoming a grader for our math courses, tutoring in the Math Center, or becoming a Learning Assistant. Students can also participate in research with a faculty mentor or do an internship with the College of Science Internship Program. Students can also join one of our math clubs or honor societies.

Career Opportunities

Students completing the teaching major will be prepared to teach middle school or high school mathematics. There is a critical need for math secondary teachers in the state of Utah and throughout the country. Students who pursue a teaching profession have the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of young students. Students who desire to become principles, professors, or administrators, can further their education with a graduate degree.

Last Updated: 7/10/24