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Religious Studies

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Program Description

Religious studies scholars examine religions from the perspective of a religion’s followers, studying the similarities, differences, and core tenets of a belief system. If you want to gain a broader understanding of religions and their traditions, consider the Religious Studies program at the University of Utah. Through critical analysis and discussion of these faiths, students will learn how theology shapes individuals and communities across the globe. The Religious Studies program is interdisciplinary in nature and consists of courses from various departments: English, History, Middle East Studies, Communication, Philosophy, World Languages & Cultures, Political Science, Sociology, Anthropology, Art History, Theatre, and more. Graduates of the program are ultimately equipped with social awareness and religious literacy that can be used in a variety of careers.

The Student Experience

For additional academic enrichment, students may complete an internship in an organization relevant to their studies, gaining valuable professional experience while still in school. Another excellent learning experience is completing a learning abroad program: by studying in a country with a religious holy place or high population of worshippers, you can see firsthand how religion shapes peoplesdaily lives. If you want to network and meet like-minded peers, consider joining Interfaith at the University of Utah.

Career Opportunities

Religious Studies graduates have a diverse variety of career options available to them once they graduate. Students may work internationally or domestically as public relations specialists, journalists, business representatives, or in humanitarian or nonprofit services (such as Habitat for Humanity). You can also work in campus ministry or at a local religious organization. Careers in editing, publishing, social work, or program management are also possible. Students who decide to continue their studies at the graduate level can find work as curators, librarians, diplomats, lawyers, or professors.

Last Updated: 7/15/24