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Swoop Into the U at SLCC - November 15th

frosty U

Find all the information that you’ll need to be ready to transfer to the U of U from SLCC at the Swoop into the U event at SLCC.

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Going Global Career Panel - November 20th

going global career panel

Hear from alumni and professionals about their global careers and experiences and how international experiences and language skills have benefited them in the workplace.

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Swoop Into the U at SLCC - October 22nd

striped U of U stadium

Find all the information that you’ll need to be ready to transfer to the U of U from SLCC at the Swoop into the U event at SLCC.

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Law School Fair and Admissions Panel - October 22nd

law scales

Don’t miss the biggest Pre-Law event of the year when representatives from 120+ law schools will fill the Union Ballroom and be available to answer your questions about their schools.

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Blog Archive

Last Updated: 12/4/23