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Program Description

If you like mathematics, computing, experiments, and wish to contribute to the future scientific progress of humankind, the exciting field of astronomy will maximize your career options. Astronomy is a profound and fundamental science that has never ceased to fascinate the general public and attract the imagination of students. The University of Utah’s astronomy group in the Department of Physics and Astronomy has research expertise in cosmology, galactic and stellar astronomy, high energy physics and particle astrophysics, as well as planet formation and relativistic astrophysics. Members of the department are leaders in large ongoing and upcoming survey projects (SDSS and DESI), and use ground-based and NASA telescopes including the Hubble Space Telescope in their research. Develop your imagination, critical and abstract thinking skills, and your understanding of science and technology with the U’s minor in Astronomy. Students interested in studying Astronomy also have the option of the Astronomy & Astrophysics emphasis in the Physics BA/BS.

Career Opportunities

This program will provide students with a strong science foundation, enabling those with both an astronomy minor and a pre-professional physics major to pursue graduate work in astronomy and astrophysics. As undergraduates of the program, students can join academic clubs (like the ACCESS Program for Women in Science & Mathematics or AstronomUrs), complete undergraduate research projects, or attend physics-related lecture series. Modern astronomy is a computational field, and a degree in astronomy is excellent preparation for a career in data science or programming. In addition to graduate degrees in physics and astronomy, students can find work in museums, research facilities, universities and community colleges, the government, or observatories. Besides becoming a physicist or astronomer, consider a career as an engineer, educator, astronaut, or technical writer.

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Last Updated: 7/8/24