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Program Description

Physics is the field of study concerned with the nature and properties of matter and energy: how we define measurable quantities, like energy and speed, and how these concepts are related (for example, Newton’s Law of gravity or the theory of special relativity). If you want to learn more about how the universe is structured and functions, consider studying physics at the University of Utah. In addition to learning scientific and theoretical concepts and facts, physicists also develop excellent analytical thinking skills and problem-solving techniques, and expertise in computational methods.

Students have the option to specialize in one of the following areas:

  • Astronomy & Astrophysics Emphasis(meant for students who want to study the universe)
  • Biomedical Physics Emphasis(for students who want to enter biomedical fields)
  • Applied Physics Emphasis (best for students who desire careers in industry)
  • Computational Emphasis (for students interested in both computer science and physics)
  • Comprehensive Emphasis (for students who want to pursue graduate studies in physics)
  • Students may also pursue a Physics Teaching BA/BS track, preparing them to become teachers in the state of Utah.

Because the skills gained from this program are so broadly-applicable, students who decide not to pursue graduate-level degrees can use their abilities in a wide variety of careers.

The Student Experience

Students are encouraged to enrich their studies by completing an internship or conducting undergraduate research, allowing them to develop professional and academic skills for use throughout their undergraduate career and beyond.

Students are paired with a peer mentor within their first year of their program to help them navigate and build their experience in our department.

If you want to get involved in your department and meet fellow students, consider joining one of the following clubs: the Undergraduate Student Advisory Committee, the AstronomUr Outreach Group, the Society of Physics Students, PASSAGE, or the ACCESS Program for Women in Science & Mathematics.

Career Opportunities

Physics is a problem solving degree, and students enter various industries that use their technical and critical thinking skills on a regular basis. Physics majors often find jobs as engineers, programmers, analysts, or educators in many different fields and sectors. Biotechnology, finance, defense and military, environmental quality, nuclear sciences, chemical engineering, and data sciences are fields where recent graduates are currently working.

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Last Updated: 7/15/24