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Program Description

Communication is much more than just the written word. Communication is also verbal or non-verbal, and it takes place at both an interpersonal and mass scale. With the University of Utah’s Communication program, students learn how to be effective communicators for all different types of audiences. Communication is a diverse discipline and offers a variety of skills to prepare students for their careers. Through a combination of theoretical and technical training, the Communication program allows students to develop a comprehensive portfolio to market themselves to the industry. If you want to focus your studies on a particular area, you can pursue an emphasis in one of the following emphases:

The Department of Communication also offers the following minors: Strategic Communication and Media Studies. Note that minors are only available to students majoring outside of the Department of Communication.

The Student Experience

There are many enrichment opportunities within the Department of Communication. If you want to network and spend time with fellow communication students, be sure to join one of the department’s many clubs and organizations: The John R. Park Debate Society allows members to practice debate skills in a friendly, competitive environment. Student Media provides students with practical positions in radio and digital journalism while PRSSA is a student-run advertising and PR club helping students learn the skills to become future professionals in the field. Additionally, the department helps hundreds of students complete high-quality internships every year in a wide range of subjects.

Accelerate U is an optional program for students interested in Communication that allows you to earn your degree faster. Tell your academic advisor you are interested in joining the Accelerate U program. Go to to learn more.

Career Opportunities

Graduates of the Communication program have found work as editors, communication directors, marketing and sales managers, and radio and video producers. Careers in publishing (as a writer or editor), advertising, and the media (as a broadcaster, journalist, or reporter) are also possible. Work for the government as a lobbyist, campaign manager, or town manager, or in the nonprofit sector as a grant writer or program coordinator. With additional education, students can also become lawyers, advisors, and professors.

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Exploratory Classes

  • COMM 1500 - Media and Society
  • COMM 2020 - Communication Theory and Everyday Life
  • COMM 2580 - Strategic Communication Theory and Practice
  • COMM 3115 - Communicating Science, Health, Environment

Last Updated: 7/8/24