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Honors Health

Honors Minor in Integrated Health

Program Description

An Honors Integrated Minor is an opportunity for first- and second-year Honors students to complete their Honors coursework in a coordinated fashion around a common theme and with a cohort of peers. Students earn the academic minor by taking six required courses over three semesters.

The Honors Integrated Minor in Health undertakes the important topic of health and illness, and how these manifest across place, population and time. There is an urgent need in our society for individuals who have multidisciplinary training on health, and who can think critically about how health is intimately connected to other domains (e.g., business, environment, politics, history, sociology).

The Honors Integrated minor includes two distinct tracks: Ghana (including a 6-week experience at Ensign College) and Utah.

Academic and Career Opportunities

The training and experience offered through the Honors Integrated Minor in Health will prepare students to make unique professional contributions in multiple areas. For students pursuing a career in medicine, public health or the allied health professions, they will be equipped with a more humanistic perspective on health and health care. For students pursuing career paths outside of the health field, they will be able to engage with issues of health in their discipline and/or professional area, and will bring critical and systems-based thinking to their broader work.

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Exploratory Classes

  • HONOR 2114 - Honors Core in Intellectual Traditions: History of Medicine
  • HONOR 2455 - Social Determinants of Health
  • HONOR 2951 - Fundamentals of Global Health

Last Updated: 7/9/24