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Program Description

With a major or minor in Russian, you will learn how to speak and understand the Russian language, and you will also gain a deeper understanding of Russia and Russian-speaking countries. Russia has a rich, proud history and culture, making it perfect for examination in an academic environment. Through study of Russian language, literature, and society, students will develop critical thinking skills, cross-cultural understanding, and social awareness. The program curriculum includes four semesters of Russian language courses, and instruction then continues with advanced language classes and coursework in phonetics and morphology, as well as Russian history, literature, and culture. As we become an increasingly global world, the skills and knowledge you gain from the Russian program will prepare you for a number of international and domestic careers.

The Student Experience

Students who wish to enrich their academic experience may participate in a learning abroad program in Russia or a Russian-speaking country: such a trip offers valuable firsthand cultural and language immersion. You may also decide to complete an internship for academic credit, domestically or internationally. Beyond your coursework, be sure to get involved in your program and take advantage of valuable networking and socializing opportunities: join the Russian Club and/or attend one or more events (music performances, movie nights, etc.) organized by dedicated Russian instructors.

Career Opportunities

Russian language fluency and cultural understanding will prepare you for a number of careers locally and abroad. Work for the government as a translator, linguist, diplomat, or immigration specialist, or enter the world of business as a national or international supply chain manager or HR specialist. Travel and tourism jobs—such as being am airline employee or trip planner—are possible, as are careers in publishing, broadcast media, and journalism. Students who complete additional education at the graduate level may also find work as teachers, professors, curators, lawyers, or administrators.

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Exploratory Classes

  • RUSS 1010 (or above) - Beginning Russian I
  • WLC 2010 - Intro to the Study of Literature & Culture
  • WLC 2020 - Language in Society

Last Updated: 7/15/24