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Dark Sky Studies Intro Course Offered Fall Semester

night sky

Light pollution—excessive use of artificial light—poses environmental and safety threats, and it also prevents us from seeing the starry sky at night. Students in the Dark Sky Studies minor examine the negative impacts of artificial light, seeking to preserve our night skies.

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Humanities Radio

humanities radio

Explore majors in the College of Humanities with the help of Humanities Radio.

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U of U Writing Class for SLCC Students


SLCC students, are you planning to transfer to the U? Did you complete ENGL 2010 with a C- or better? Do you wonder what kinds of writing you’ll do in your major? Do you want an upper-division (3000 level) class? If the answer to these questions is "yes", then consider taking, Writing 3020, Write4U this summer.

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Last Updated: 12/4/23